Small Steps Over Huge Leaps

Dear PT Students,


I was guilty of this (and still am).  I think many students and graduates think like this.


We look at where we want to go and how far we are from where we want to be.


We see these HUGE gaps.  We feel like we may never get there.  But most of all, we ignore how effective small, consistent steps move us forward the most. It is the little things we do on a daily basis that add up quickly way more than the big accomplishments that only come by once in a while.


I remember hearing that if you are struggling in any area of life it can usually be traced back to consistency.

For school we need consistency with reading, studying, and practicing.  In relationships we need consistency with communication, engagement, and demonstrating we care.  With physical goals, we need consistency with healthy eating, activity, and sleep. 


So, what small step can you take today and tomorrow?


Break Barriers,

Jenna and The Professional Rebellion 


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