Being a PT student is a superpower

Dear PT Students,

You know how when you’re a kid all you want is to be an adult? And then you get to be an adult and you’re like why did I wish away my childhood?

I think being a PT student is the same thing. But, being a STUDENT is a superpower that I hope you don’t wish away.

Trust me, I don’t want to go back to test, practicals, or working for free… but here are the reason why being a student is actually great:

1. PTs genuinely want to help you- Just like how adults want to help children, experienced PTs want to help students.

2. You’re not expected to have the answers- Yes you are challenged to know the answers, but this is a time to mess up and learn from mistakes.

3. You have time to experiment- You don’t need to know what you want to do for your career and if you don’t know, you are more likely to try new things.

4. Your classmates are awesome- After school, you have to work really hard to seek out others trying to learn like you are.

5. Flexible schedule- To be able to workout or take a nap during different times of day

There is so much you can get while being a student. Even during the tougher times, try not to wish it away!

What are/were your favorite things about being a PT student?



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